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The Grants and Procurement Institute’s (TGPI) mission is to assist disadvantaged students (primarily from Historically Black Colleges and Universities as well as graduates from Community Colleges) in pursuing careers in Grants Management and Procurement.  In addition, we will directly assist Combat and Service Disabled Veterans into becoming Contracting Professionals (either as Contractors or Contracting Officers).


We are committed to fully train TGPI students into becoming well equipped professionals who will
render fair and equitable decisions relative to what companies receive Federal, State or Local Government Grants and contracts. 


The Grants and Procurement Institute is a pending 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization. We are establishing an Executive Advisory Council to be in place by August 2023.

Meet the Founding Board

Warren Edwards

Executive Director

"The journey has been rewarding and exciting that has led me to this point where I can bring a cadre of experts together to fully equip our leaders of tomorrow within the vital procurement space."

Our Mission

William Simpson

Deputy Executive Director

"Knowledge is the key to success. Through our partners and advisers, we at TGPI will empower our students with the tools they need to be successful in the grants and procurement space."

Kenya Nicholas


"I am honored to add my knowledge and expertise in the grants space to this innovative effort to train the next generation of grants and procurement leaders."

Leona Butler

Administrative Assistant

"We are tasked with fueling and educating the next generation of leaders. Our training programs will ensure that all participants get access and hands-on experience in the grants and procurement space."

We Need Your Support Today!

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